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80th Birthday Photos

Here is the list of our classmates who attended the 80th Birthday Party on September 9, 2023.  I will be working on adding names to the photos, but in the meantime, this list might help you identify familiar faces.

Married Name - First Name - Maiden Name - Spouse/Guest Name

Berger Lorna Scott and Len

Breiner Nila Marsh

Brescia Mary Ann Costa

Breyan Sandy Ablondi

Cwanek Linda McMullen

Davis Susan Gottfried

Dymerski Bill

Forte Lila Jordan and Frederick

Goldbecker Judy Abercrombie

Hayduk Ed

Hudak Patti Turiano and daughter and granddaughter, Lori and Rafaela

Keller Richard and Grace

Kunkel Joel Susan

Levine Milt and daughter, Jodi

Manning Gloria Cerreta and Ron

Mastroni Dolores Oliver

Moreau Gloria Williamson

Moser Eleanor Piazza

Pavone Vinny and Judy

Pelley Dorothy Peebles

Pelligrino Marie Rosati and Larry

Pinkosky, Michael

Pisanelli Frank

Pressler Eileen Kennedy

Rivnyak Judith Jordan and  Jody Daniels

Rotzal Hank and Helena

Ryan Nancy Pavone and Terry

Schwab Sharon Smethurst

Serra, August

Skog, Rita

St Jean, Marilyn Goldstein

Stanley Dave and Cathey

Watkins, Dennis

White Patricia McCreery

Wirth Diane Guerra

Wirth Bill

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