Nancy Pavone Ryan has shared her Home Room photo. Let's put names to all of these faces!
On the Steps: Row 1. Roger Cooper 2. Bob DeFrank
Row 2: 1. Sandy June 2. Linda Sabol 3. Joan Gruce 4. Jean Gennette
Row 3: 1. Mrs. Carless 2.
Row 4: 1. Claire Benedetto 2. Ed Balogh 3. Roger Hinckley 4. 5. Carole Smith Standing: Carolyn Edwards
Seated on the Wall: 1. Marie Daniels 2.Diane Barabas 3. Nancy Pavone 4. Nancy Hull 5. Rose Marie Maleska
Standing: 1. Joan Abercrombie 2. Sharon Nicolette 3. Louis Belinkie 4. 5. 6 7. 8.