Thanks to AnnMarie Tatangelo Mercurio and Gloria Cerreta Manning, we have another Home Room photo. Now we need names.
Sitting on the steps from 1st step up to the 6th: 1.Bernice Tribble 2. Joyce Coppola 3. Linda Lord 4. Carole Ponzetti 5. Judy Drew 6. Catherine Colbert
Sitting on the wall: 1. Gloria Cerreta 2.Gloria Laks 3. AnnMarie Tatangelo 4.Linda Waterman 5.Nila Marsh 6. Gloria Krofssik 7. Alexandra Rentz 8.Linda Cosgrove
Standing on the wall: 1. Donald Meath 2. Richard Schepis 3. Jerome Supple 4. Donald Jackson 5.Matt Fitch 6. Arthur Athanas 7. Richard Groves
Standing against the Column: 1. 2. Pat Gagnos 3. Stephanie Griz